More than three weeks ago Christoffer was Majken’s assistant present wrapper. As a result he saw the presents Tobias was getting. Majken told him very specifically that Tobias must not know the contents and if ever asked should reply that it was a secret (in Danish he would use the rather lengthy word “hemmelighed” which sounds funny when he pronounces it). He therefore diligently referred to presents as secrets every time the subject was part of everyday conversation, well, that was until yesterday morning. On my way to the kitchen I overheard the little rascal explaining to Tobias that he would receive a Transformer, a Dinosaur and a car. I am not sure, if this was Christoffer’s doing alone or Tobias somehow bribed him into spilling the beans. I am guessing Tobias had something to do with it. I was of course quick to interrupt Christoffer, but it was too late. Lesson learned, a 2-3 year old can not be relied on to keep a secret.
So today Tobias received the Transformer he knew he would get. Not unsurprisingly the first thing I had to do was transform Optimus Prime into a truck. No problem you say, when the package reads 5 years plus. You would be wrong, it took me at least 15 minutes. I still can’t believe it took so long. I am anxious to see how quickly Tobias will be able to transform Optimus Prime in a few days. Probably won't take him more than a few minutes!

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